Ethics Watchdog: The Market, Government, or….Part II

In an earlier entry, I highlighted the on-going debate regarding the role of the market versus the state in defining ethics in business. offers an interesting perspective from the Catholic Social Tradition on this debate.

What Professor Bainbridge misses in this discussion is the role that culture plays in shaping ethics, values and ultimately virtue in a society. The role of faith in shaping culture, and culture in turn shaping ethics is a well-founded principle of Catholic Social Thought (see Pieper’s classic writing on this topic). The argument should not be constrained by whether and how religious institutions can influence the two forces of market and state, but rather how faith and religion shape culture, which then should serve as the foundational base guiding both corporations and state. Michael Naughton’s work is noteworthy, as he builds a practical model to integrate ethics and values into one’s work from this perspective.