Growing Pains

Here is a quote that Dr. Susan Williams of Belmont University passed along to me. It describes so well the experience that many of us have gone through as our businesses go through periods of rapid growth and change. For me it describes both what I experienced and what our business experienced.
“Everything alive is surprisingly alive– and on a twitchy, searching, self-aware, self-organizing upward journey. Such living systems periodically break into severe twitchiness and appear to fall apart. They do not. It is actually at such vibrating times that living systems are shaking themselves to higher ground. Transition to a higher order is universally accompanied by turbulence. The disorder and disharmony is a necessary activation of growth to a higher level. The greater the turbulence, the more often it will go into apparent disharmony in order to re-jiggle itself to a higher level.” Ilya Prigogine, Nobel physicist.