You need to be a little crazy?my thoughts on this book

The Business Book Blog Tour has arrived!
Barry Moltz has put together an honest and revealing look at entrepreneurship. He has peeled back the onion and shows us some of the issues that entrepreneurs face that are not in text or how-to books. This is entrepreneurship in the raw!

One of the things I like best about this book is that he dispels some of the myths about entrepreneurship that I have talked about in my blog. For example, his story illustrates that entrepreneurs are in this game for a lot of reasons, but getting rich quick should not be at the top of our lists. Maybe in the back of our minds, but building a business with real value takes time. He learned this the hard way in the days.
Some of the topics that we will explore with Barry today on this stop of his tour include networking, family and business, business partners, entrepreneurship as a character building experience, and his concept of retro-preneurs.
This book comes from his heart, and he captures the emotional side of entrepreneurship quite well. Even if you haven?t read his book yet, join in the discussion. I am sure he will have some wonderful insights for all of us to think about.
Tomorrow the Blog Tour stops at Venturpreneur.