Q: Barry, as someone who road the dot.com wave I am surprised that you sing the praises of a very old fashioned, indeed some might even say rather boring type of businessperson, namely the merchant. Why the change of perspective?
A: One of the reasons I wrote the book is that I thought the term entrepreneur became too sexy. I like the definition since the French word does mean “To undertake with Complete responsibility”. That covers it! But I think we need to come up with a new word so we can forget about the 1990’s since they are not coming back. I use the word “retropreneur” since I think we have to go back to the way businesses have always been started. Through hard work, passion and and one customer need at a time!
Business Book Blog Tour: You need to be a little crazy
The Entrepreneurial Mind: You need to be a little crazy…”retropreneurs”. The link above is to the last of several posts for today’s stop on the BBBT (Business Book Blog Tour). This is the first week for the BBBT and after