The students over at reverb tell the inside story of their opening night in this post. Congratulations!
The day had finally come. It was March 19, 2004. This was it, the Grand Opening day of Reverbmedia. After getting little sleep the night before, I woke up early to study for my Middle Ages class. I got very little worthwhile studying done though since I was thinking about what we needed to do to get ready for the opening that night. I made it through that class, and then I went down to the store to look things over. Then I went to Becky Gann?s office to talk about what else she could think of that we would need to get done. Next, I had to attend my microeconomics class. As soon as that class ended at 2, I had to finish a paper. I had forgotten that I was supposed to meet my mom at 2 instead of 3 to pick up the truck that I needed to move some equipment that night. After finishing my paper I went to call mom to see where she was at. I turned on my phone to see that she had left a voicemail saying that she was looking for me since 2. I finally met her around 3 to pick up the key to the truck. I said that I was sorry, but I had to get going to Staples to pick up a business card stand and some more color coded labels that we used to temporarily price the cds. I also had to pick up a couple of extension cords from Home Depot.
On my way back to campus, Geoff called me to say that he was ready to move the audio equipment for the opening concert that was co-sponsored by Belmont?s Undergraduate School of Business Student Advisory Board. The concert was going to feature the bands Stringblind and Tubb and Chubb?s Fat Funk Fiesta. The audio equipment completely filled the bed of the F150 plus a sound board was riding shotgun. We then unloaded the equipment at the store and Geoff and a couple of his friends set up the show including a stage, sound, and lights. Heather then helped me put a couple of cd racks together to hold the soundboard for Geoff and to have a place to put the pizzas that we ordered for the crowd.
By this time, it was already 5 o?clock and we had officially opened. The cash register refused to open automatically like it was supposed to. I had tried checking all the connections and restarting everything, but nothing would make it work. So that night we had to manually open it with the key. The next Monday, I was looking at it again and finally figured out the problem. A paper jam had stopped up the printer just enough to not interfere with printing receipts, but just enough that it would not send a signal to the cash drawer to open.
Joe Drake
To read all of the postings from the reverb gang use this link.