Barry Moltz (his book visited here on a recent blog book tour) talks about the struggles of ethical decision making for small businesses in this on-line article he published at his web site. Barry is always honest, and this piece gives a realistic picture of the struggles entrepreneurs face in their day-to-day work. Often without others to bounce situations off of or corporate codes of conduct to guide you, entrepreneurs must muddle along through what can be very difficult situations. The best I can suggest is to first have a clear set of standards. Write them down and think about how they apply in daily situations. Once that is developed (it should never be considered “done”, but a work in progress), reflect on it often and use it to not only evaluate decisions you are currently facing, but decisions you have already made. Remember that each ethical situation you face shapes your character in some small but significant way. Virtue is a habit that is developed over many of such decisions and actions.