Good tips for aspiring entrepreneurs

Suzi Bonk offers five great tips for aspiring entrepreneurs over at

1. Success is based on people. Find the right team and find the right customers are you are well on your way. I like the way Barry Moltz describes it in his book: network should be viewed as a noun, not a verb. Networking as a process is way over rated. The key is to build a solid network of people, particularly customers, who will support you as your business grows.
2. A business plan is a living entity. As I like to describe this idea, business planning is a process not an event.
3. Understand how money works. Accounting is the language of business. So you better get fluent if you want to live in this world.
4. Entrepreneurship should be understood as a vocation and a way of life. It is not for dabblers or the faint of heart.
5. Find a rainmaker. You need advocates outside your inner team that can sell you to the rest of the world.