I will be hitting the road for a few days, but before I go I thought I’d clean out my “TO BE BLOGGED” file…..
I often tell entrepreneurs to go for the low hanging fruit. Or, if that metaphor doesn’t work for them, hit for average and not home runs. Or even, keep it simple, stupid! Start-up Skills has a great post on why it is so hard to come up with something really new.
Rob over at Business Pundit (one of my all time favorite sites) answers two questions that I am sure are ringing in the halls over across the street at Vanderbilt (sorry, I just could not resist):
What is Zenpreneurship, anyway?
Aren’t all corporations just psychopaths?
By the way…my comments are indeed turned off due to a really bad spam attack by some folks that obviously don’t know that I work at a religious school. Looks like Loic’s Blog got hit, too.
This site is worth visiting if just for the name….Duct Tape Marketing. Some great bootstrapping ideas.
Small Business Trends has a thought provoking piece on finger print technology use in small restaurants. Call me paranoid, but this one kind of gave me the creeps.
Maybe this is something you never really wanted to know, but VentureBlog answers the question: What do venture capitalists do all day?
Visit Carnival of the Capitalists here. NOTE: Where “here” is changes Monday to a new “here”.
If that isn’t enough to keep you busy until I get back, go root around in some of my archives!