Got a Good Idea?

There is a new service available for those of you with business ideas at TJ’s Weblog.
“The ‘Business Plan Surgery’ is designed to give expert feedback for your very own business idea – for free.
Here is how it works:
* You are a early stage company in the process of finalizing your business plan or looking for investment or you are already in business for less than 6 months.
* You may send in your business plan to us and get a review from our experts….We will focus on the viability of the business model and the biggest challenges for your business from our point of view.
* We guarantee you full confidentiality….What we want to do however is to inaugurate the TOP 5 after August 31st. For this inauguration we would like to present the abstract buy topamax from canada business model (2-3 sentences) to our blog audience.
* What is your benefit? First of all you get an expert opinion on your business plan which in turn reduces your risk. Additionally our weblogs are read by a wide range of technology experts, business angels and some VCs. So with some luck our nomination will bring in investment.
* What does it cost? Nothing.
* Isn’t it risky to give my “secret idea” to other people? – Not really as Seth Godin would say “…an idea needs light and oxygen much like a plant” to survive. You should feed it, ideas in the dark basement will most likely die.
* What do I have to do? Please send your executive summary to my mail adress and we take it from there.”