Knowledge is Key Resource

Dr. George Solomon, Director of the Center for Entrepreneurial Excellence at George Washington University, spoke on our campus here at Belmont last week. In both of his lectures he stressed knowledge as the most important resource any entrepreneur needs to be successful.
In his first talk, Dr. Solomon stressed the need for need for knowledge about your local market and your target customers. Dr. Solomon also illustrated how data about a market can either validate ideas as business opportunities, or in some cases, uncover needs in the market that have not yet been met. All of the data he used in his example of Nashville was from reputable sources easily available at no cost. Although Google has made searching easier in some ways, it can lead to hours of wasted time. A skilled reference librarian (most university and larger public libraries have them on staff) can help focus your data search.
His second lecture stressed the importance of knowledge about yourself in preparing you for taking the entrepreneurial plunge. The most successful entrepreneurs are best at “red sky” thinking. Psychologists tell us that “red sky” thinking involves the “Big Picture” and is concerned with the what and then the how. It is someone who enjoys starting new entrepreneurial ventures, networking with other people to accomplish big goals, and toying with global concepts and possibilities. Such thinking can be learned and developed. Creativity is a teachable skill, according to Dr. Solomon.
Thanks to the Moench family for their generous gift that has made this speaker series possible.