We Can’t Ignore the Self-Employed

For a long time everyone seemed to ignore the self-employed: those who work for themselves and have no employees. We all seemed to view self-employment as a temporary state. They were the consultants who were between “real” jobs.
A recent census report shows that these folks now number 19.5 million people!

Among the fastest-growing: building finishing contractors (22.5 percent), Internet service providers (18.7 percent), nail salons (14.7 percent), electronic shopping and mail-order houses — including Internet-based consumer trade (12.7 percent), lessors of real estate (9.7 percent), formal wear and costume rental stores (8 percent) and motorcycle dealers (7.4 percent).

It is time to recognize this group for who they are: a major part of this entrepreneurial economy. More of the self-employed with no employees are deliberately choosing this as their permanent work.