We are delighted to welcome Barry Moltz to our campus today. He will be speaking on the the ‘Resiliency Spring’. From his web site:
[F]our foundations for developing true business confidence:
1. Failure is an Option. Never set out expecting to fail, but recognize, accept, and embrace that failures will almost certainly come.
2. Develop the ‘Resiliency Spring’ through the willingness to endure failure for failure’s sake. Resiliency will arrive when you are able to observe and learn the lessons that failure teaches you, without blaming or condemning yourself because you failed.
3. Retrain Your Ego and Develop Humility. Humility is the freedom from the burden of personal arrogance that tells us that we are the only one who determines our future business outcome.
4. The Courage to Experience: View failure as a different kind of success.
Stop imagining how terrible it would be to failure and replace that with the willingness to experience whatever outcome arrives. Be willing to blur the lines between failure and success.