Success Rate Urban Myth Even Passed on by Academics

My friend Rhonda Abrams blogged last week about an interview she heard with a professor from a “distinguished university” (that may have been the problem right there):

I recently heard a professor from a distinguished university say on the radio that 90 percent of new businesses fail.
To me, that’s like hearing fingernails scraping on a blackboard. I’ve looked at statistics of business births and deaths closely, and I know of no credible study showing anything close to a 90 percent failure rate.

She is correct.
Credible studies show success rates five years out (the normal time line for such studies) to be around 50% +/- 5%. And as I’ve said many times, smaller studies of those who have gotten trained and educated in the process of starting and growing a business find success rates as high as 80-90%.
This urban myth is perpetuated by the histrionic media who loves find evidence of doom and gloom even when it isn’t real, and by ignorant and uninformed “experts” who are too lazy to do the research needed to find out the truth.
(Thanks to John Russell for passing this along).