If you need some tips on bootstrapping ideas for your web startup, and I mean A LOT of ideas, Aviva Directory has a post Little Known Ways to Brand on the Cheap: 99 Tips for Poor Web Startups.
If you need some tips on bootstrapping ideas for your web startup, and I mean A LOT of ideas, Aviva Directory has a post Little Known Ways to Brand on the Cheap: 99 Tips for Poor Web Startups.
1. Create a blog it’s free
2. Find a niche that needs to be filled.
3. Creat a tagline
4. Follow the business model of the leaders in your feild.
5. Easy to remember url that is catchy
6. Easy to navigate website that makes users want to come back to your website.
7. Fresh updated content, Google loves it.
8. Use vaild html/xml code
9. Create viral campaigns for your target market. example- myspace, facebook, squidoo and so on.
10. Right an article and create controversy on a highly popular subject.
These are just a few off the top of my head.
Thanks Jeff!
This is really helpful resource. All kudos to the owner of avivadirectory for making available such a wonderful resource of information.
Thanks forletting us know
That was a very good article. I am really impressed I must say that.
Thanks for writing such good articles buddy, carry on the good work.
Really excellent resource. Like the point 8-9. Just wondering how one can get something as mentioned in point 10.
Thanks Jeff. I have also read Aviva directory’s tips. Regarding #10 point– Yes I agree with that. I recently wrote an article about Google’s Paid links Report issue and it was a great success.
Thanks Jeff. I have read the article at aviva and I think its one good resource for begnirs