American Youth Still Show Entrepreneurial Aspirations

From the National Dialogue on Entrepreneurship:

Coupled with the announcement of Global Entrepreneurship Week/USA, the Kauffman Foundation released the findings from a survey that shows America’s young people want to be their own boss. The Foundation commissioned Harris Interactive to conduct an online survey of 2,438 youth ages 8 to 21 about entrepreneurship. It shows that four in 10 young people would like to start their own business in the future, while another 37 percent believe starting their own business is a possibility. Those who want to have their own business say their top reasons are to use their skills and abilities (92 percent), build something for their future (89 percent), be their own boss (87 percent), see their ideas realized (81 percent) and earn lots of money (85 percent). In the United States, 63 percent of respondents in the Harris survey already believe that, if they work hard, they can be entrepreneurs.