Richland, LLC , located in Pulaski, Tennessee, is an industrial service company that supplies, assembles, fabricates, installs, paints, sandblasts and tests equipment that involves mechanical or electrical components.
Richland has contracts with TSKE Tsukishima Kankyo Engineering Ltd., a Japanese company, and Moritani, a German company. Tsukishima Kankyo and Moritani engage in many joint projects around the globe. Richland partnered with the two companies in a wastewater project for a client in Dubai that was developing a recreation area and golf course for a multinational community in Dubai. Richland provided manufacturing and test assembly for the water and wastewater treatment equipment that was shipped to Dubai.
Jim Greene, a partner and president of Richland, LLC, admits that the language barrier can be difficult when dealing with partners from two different countries working for a client in another part of the world. “Foreign nationals appreciate it when you attempt to learn their language,” says Green, “Even if it is only ‘My name is Jim and welcome to Richland, LLC.’”[i]
[i] Jim Greene, personal communication, May 22, 2014.