Dr. Jeff Cornwall is the inaugural Jack C. Massey Chair in Entrepreneurship at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn. Dr. Cornwall's current research and teaching interests include entrepreneurial finance and entrepreneurial ethics.

Dr. Jeff Cornwall is the inaugural Jack C. Massey Chair in Entrepreneurship at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn. Dr. Cornwall's current research and teaching interests include entrepreneurial finance and entrepreneurial ethics.

Big News from the Entrepreneurial Mind!

First of all I wanted to thank you for following my blog, The Entrepreneurial Mind. I first started publishing this blog twelve years ago, and look forward to many more years of providing you with content at this site.

We are in the process of launching a new site that will give you even more insights into the issues facing entrepreneurs. This is a family business started by my wife Ann, our grown children Russ and Maggie, and me.  Our new site offers a way for you to get answers from me for the questions you face every day as a small business owner. This site does not replace my blog, but offers the ability to search for specific answers to specific issues and challenges. My blog will be transitioning to become simply Dr. Jeff Cornwall’s Blog, as our new site will be taking on the moniker The Entrepreneurial Mind.

We have produced a large collection of brand new videos – most are four to eight minutes long – that are of me offering specific advice that comes from forty years of being an entrepreneur and teaching entrepreneurs. We also feature more than one hundred interviews I have conducted with entrepreneurs that offer additional insights. Finally, we compiled dozens of short articles that I have written offering specific guidance and advice that will be a part of this new website.

We will be constantly adding new videos to our site, much of it based on questions our members submit to us through our site. A few of the most recently added items include videos such as the right way to fire an employee, how to use a 401K retirement plan to fund your business, creating an intentional culture, tracking and reimbursing travel expenses, effectively working from home, going into business with your spouse and your children, as well as many others.

We offer all of this practical content to you through the new version of The Entrepreneurial Mind. Out site guides you to the answers you need with a simple, yet powerful, search feature. The site also includes a forum where you can seek specific answers from fellow members of The Entrepreneurial Mind community and invited expert entrepreneurs.

We have worked hard to bootstrap this site, and therefore can offer it to you for the cost that is the same as you would pay if you took me out for a latte or beer to pick my brain — Just $4.99 a month!

As loyal blog readers we are offering you a chance to try the site for free.  Just enter the code TEMBLOG15 at this link.

We hope you will take the time to explore our new site and put it to use helping you start, launch and grow your business!


A Disruptive Business Model in Legal Market

The Entrepreneurial Mind : Roe Frazer – Cicayda
In this episode of The Entrepreneurial Mind, Roe Frazer discusses his unique company. A software start-up led by founders who have done it before, which seeks to disrupt the entire e-discovery market! Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Entrepreneurial-Mind-Dr-Jeff-Cornwall/129827683723995?sk=videos Twitter page: https://twitter.com/theentremind