Entrepreneurs are beginning to face a new structure for potential equity financing. The traditional roles of venture capitalists and angels are evolving, and entrepreneurs need to understand who is best to approach for their funding and what these potential investors now have as objectives for their investments.
Author: Jeff Cornwall
Dr. Jeff Cornwall is the inaugural Jack C. Massey Chair in Entrepreneurship at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn. Dr. Cornwall's current research and teaching interests include entrepreneurial finance and entrepreneurial ethics.
Carnival of the Capitalists
Check out the latest Carnival of the Capitalists here!
Starting ’em young in Florida
There is an explosion of programs for young people to expose them to entrepreneurship. Here is one example sent to me by RM Cornwall from Miami. Exposing young people to the option of self-employment and entrepreneurship is already helping to expand our current entrepreneurial economic boom. It also helps to counter the anti-capitalistic bias that so many of their teachers expose them to every day in our schools.
small businesses not just being created, but creating jobs
One of the criticisms we keep hearing about the current economic expansion is that it is ?jobless?. This report
from NFIB (you need to scroll down a bit in this link to see the article) shows that any jobless growth due to excess capacity is about over, and this economy is heating up. This includes new jobs in the most important sector for job formation in this entrepreneurial economy: small and medium enterprises.
Another view on Entrepreneurial Myths
From time to time I have examined some of the common myths people have (including entrepreneurs themselves) about entrepreneurship. I ran across this report published in 2001 by the National Commission on Entrepreneurship in my archives that has an interesting discussion about common myths about entrepreneurship they found in their study.
Making ethical decisions in small business
Barry Moltz (his book visited here on a recent blog book tour) talks about the struggles of ethical decision making for small businesses in this on-line article he published at his web site. Barry is always honest, and this piece gives a realistic picture of the struggles entrepreneurs face in their day-to-day work. Often without others to bounce situations off of or corporate codes of conduct to guide you, entrepreneurs must muddle along through what can be very difficult situations. The best I can suggest is to first have a clear set of standards. Write them down and think about how they apply in daily situations. Once that is developed (it should never be considered “done”, but a work in progress), reflect on it often and use it to not only evaluate decisions you are currently facing, but decisions you have already made. Remember that each ethical situation you face shapes your character in some small but significant way. Virtue is a habit that is developed over many of such decisions and actions.
Carnival of the Capitalists
Check out this week’s edition of Carnival of the Capitalists!
Maybe I do have one more deal in me…
This article from AARP shows that even old dogs can learn new tricks. The number of entrepreneurs over 50 is significant and expanding. AARP is yet the latest group to highlight the lack of attention that is being paid to this portion of our economy (see prvious posts at this site and at HobbsOnline for more on this topic). This link will take you to the full report from the AARP and RAND.
reverb “off the wall”: the grand opening!
The students over at reverb tell the inside story of their opening night in this post. Congratulations!
Entrepreneurial Spirit
You’ve got to check out this link to Bill Hobbs web site!! And just remember this old story about the young entrepreneur when you read it…..
“Everyone knew I was going to be an entrepreneur from the time I was a little boy,” said the successful businessman while being interviewed by a newspaper reporter.
“How did they know?”, asked the reporter.
“Well, one year back on the farm where I grew up, all I wanted for Christmas was a pony. When I didn’t find one under the tree I disappeared into the back yard. When the family found me, I was digging in a big pile of manure. When they asked what I was doing I replied, ‘I just know there is a pony in this pile of manure if I dig deep enough!'”