Although most entrepreneurs become familiar with the interaction of venture capital firms with companies they invest in, few really take the time to understand the relationship between the VC firm and its mysterious investors. This article offers a great insight into this side of the equation, which helps understand better how VC’s think.
Author: Jeff Cornwall
Dr. Jeff Cornwall is the inaugural Jack C. Massey Chair in Entrepreneurship at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn. Dr. Cornwall's current research and teaching interests include entrepreneurial finance and entrepreneurial ethics.
End of the Year Advice
As the end of the year approaches we all seem to kick into high gear to get everything done that we had planned for 2003. This article from offers some great advice for all of us to consider. The seven steps can help offer some ways to approach a venture or our work with greater temperance.
Carnival of the Capitalist
This week’s Carnival of the Capitalists is up. It is full of interesting stuff as usual!
African American Entrepreneurs: data supports entrepreneurial recovery breadth
The current entrepreneurial economic recovery is proving to be one with significant breadth. African American entrepreneurs may be among those groups leading this entrepreneurial economic recovery.
Continue reading African American Entrepreneurs: data supports entrepreneurial recovery breadth
More support that our economy is in transformation
Here is some interesting data from HobbsOnline A.M. on the scope of the actual economic recovery and entrepreneurship’s role in it.
Continue reading More support that our economy is in transformation
Employment is up, but under reported…again
This post on HobbsOnline A.M. gives details on the jump in employment in November–57,000 new jobs. However, this number does not include all of those who have chosen to pursue new businesses or become independently employed (e.g., consultants). If we include these folks the number jumps to 589,000! Oh well, that’s only a bias of about 90% that will likely be overlooked by the media.
Christmas Reading list
The National Dialogue on Entrepreneurship has put together a nifty reading list. I have read some of these books and would recommend that you browse the list for possible fire side companions for the holiday season.
The Glass half full??
I posted a link yesterday to what I thought was one of the most encouraging studies I’ve seen in a long time. FedEx found that 10% of Americans already own a business and 56% dream of it. Cool, right? Well I thought so. But it appears that some may not agree that this is such good news.
FedEx Survey on Entrepreneurship
FedEx has released its results from a survey it conducted about entrepreneurial intentions. It has some fascinating findings.
Golf as a Metaphor for Entrepreneurship
One of my favorite golf books that I read this past year was M Scott Peck’s Golf and the Spirit. Peck talks about golf as a metaphor for life. I often look to golf as a metaphor for the entrepreneurial experience. Here are a few examples of what I mean.