Dr. Jeff Cornwall is the inaugural Jack C. Massey Chair in Entrepreneurship at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn. Dr. Cornwall's current research and teaching interests include entrepreneurial finance and entrepreneurial ethics.

Dr. Jeff Cornwall is the inaugural Jack C. Massey Chair in Entrepreneurship at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn. Dr. Cornwall's current research and teaching interests include entrepreneurial finance and entrepreneurial ethics.

“If I Only Had The Money” Myth

Many would-be entrepreneurs tell me that they are certain that if they could only raise a certain amount of money, everything would be perfect for their start-up. In fact, many say that money is the only thing holding them back. This is one of entrepreneurship’s most common myths. As the classic article in INC illustrates, many a good idea was started with very little money.

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Where are Tomorrow’s Leaders?

The Business Pundit has a link to an article in Forbes highlighting the academic pedegree of Forture 500 CEO’s. Phil’s comment on this article hits the nail squarely on the head. I would go further, however. Let’s look at the contribution of these firms to economic growth. They can’t hold a candle the entrepreneurs in our economy, who have contributed real job growth and wealth over the past decade!! The Fortune 500 saw no real growth in employment even during the expansion of the 1990’s.

Role of Shared Ethics in Building a Social Network of Entrepreneurs

Laura Dunham’s research on the importance of building social networks supports the importance of shared ethics in building these social networks. It is interesting that such social networks lead to improved performance for entrepreneurs. But, it is even more interesting that Dunham’s work supports the notion of community development through shared values as this may help integrate entrepreneurship as a mechanism for building and strengthening communities. Clearly of interest for those who adhere to communitarianism or entrepreneurship as a means for economic development.