New ADA Rules May Impact Small Business

The NFIB reports that the Department of Justice is planning new rules related to the Americans with Disabilities Act that could have a significant impact on small businesses.
“Existing federal rules that establish what businesses must do to make their buildings and stores accessible under the ADA may change dramatically as the DOJ considers changes to the 1991 rules. While the ADA improved access for many people with disabilities, the law continues to present many challenges for small businesses. And the new requirements proposed by the DOJ could make it even more difficult and expensive for businesses to comply with the ADA.
“One of the biggest changes being considered would require businesses to provide wheelchair access through the employee work areas. This rule would apply to businesses regardless of whether they have an employee that uses a wheelchair. In addition, the new rules would require that fire alarms in work areas have both visible (a flashing light) as well as audible alarms. Other changes in the new rule would require handrails on both sides of ramps and/or stairwells, lower the height to 48 inches from the current 54 inches for reachable items such as light switches, paper towel dispensers, pay telephones, etc., increase the number of accessible van parking spaces required in a parking lot, change requirements for handicapped accessible drinking fountains, and alter the measurements for handicapped accessible restrooms.”

Which small business could be affected by these changes?
“Some of the new requirements will apply to existing businesses and could require retrofitting. The types of businesses potentially affected by the new rules include retail establishments, restaurants, hotels, movies theaters, and any business with employees – disabled or not.”

Entrepreneurs as Employees

There have been several articles recently about the growing focus on “entrepreneurial skills” in hiring managers for larger businesses. Clearly this will require some rather drastic changes in culture for many corporations.
In the Nashville City Paper, M.B. Owens writes a column that reinforces this trend in recruitment.
“The result for new jobs will be towards more highly skilled, highly trained and well-educated employees. But another characteristic will mean even more than in the past for the world’s greatest economy – creativity….Workers and employees that contribute to this approach will be in high demand now and in the future. In their jobs these people work more with ideas and better ways of doing things.”
(Thanks to Jennie Bowman for passing this along.)

Small Business Data

Good data to help guide public policy has been lacking says a report issued by the Office of Advocacy of the SBA. This is alarming given the major part that entrepreneurship plays in today’s economy.
“Traditionally, business data has focused on large manufacturers and agriculture,” said Dr. Chad Moutray, Chief Economist for the Office of Advocacy. “However, our changing economy is finally being mirrored in data collection and that means more emphasis on small business. This is a good first step, but as the study shows, more needs to be done to more fully understand small business and the economy.”
True, as long as this does not mean more government bureaucracy meddling in private enterprise.

World Bank Hosting Online Discussion

The World Bank is hosting a new online discussion on “How to Improve Access to Finance for Small Firms?”
This online discussion is moderated by Thorsten Beck, senior economist in the Finance Team of the Development Research Group of the World Bank, and Asli Demirguc-Kunt, finance research manager in the World Bank’s Development Economics Research Group, and adviser, Operations and Policy Department, in the Bank’s Financial Sector Vice Presidency.
The World Bank discussion site has links to several policy papers that serve as background reading for this discussion.

Dr. C the Luddite Strikes Again

I always have been a bit of a skeptic when it comes to web sites for small businesses. For a long time I advocated that they were not important enough for most small businesses to spend precious marketing dollars on since they had not proved to be a source of business. My how times have changed.
I recently heard the story of a small business owner who generated hundreds of thousands of dollars in new sales with a $3,000 web site. It changed their market from regionally based to being national and even international in scope.
Then today one of my students, Tyler Oban, sent this article from Business Week that reinforces this point.
Tony March first took his 32-employee business, National Private Annuity Trust, online just 18 months ago….Result? The response has been so overwhelming that he’s now exploring franchising. “We’ve had thousands of potential customers calling us out of the blue because they saw us on Internet searches,” he says. “It was like we got billboarded overnight. We had no idea the product was this marketable. It’s a beautiful thing.”
Even my own blog site has increased contacts from national media and those trying to seek out expert advice. I guess it is time to soften my Luddite tendencies on yet another technological breakthrough. The marriage of small business and web-based marketing is here to stay. As with any marketing tool, entrepreneurs need to “think like their customers.” And it is clear that more and more of these customers are using the web.

The Fed Raises Rates

The Fed announced a quarter point increase in rates. As reported by Forbes, the Fed is giving strong indications that they have a bullish outlook for the economy. Interest rates are still relatively low and sustainable growth is forecast for at least the next year. Good news for businesses from Main Street to Wall Street.
Highlights from the Fed’s statement (from the Joint Congressional Economic Committee):
* The Fed continues to see the stance of monetary policy as accommodative which means that the Fed still perceives that interest rates remain relatively low to accommodate economic growth.
* The Fed noted that output is growing at a moderate pace despite earlier energy price increases, labor market conditions continue to improve, and inflation along with long-term inflation expectations remain contained.
* The policy statement reiterated the Fed belief that “policy accommodation can be removed at a pace that is likely to be measured.” This language has been used in statements accompanying the past five meetings (May, June, August, September, and November) and is a strong signal that the Fed is not yet finished with interest rate hikes. The Fed began removing policy accommodation at its June meeting when it increased its target overnight interest rate from 1.00% to 1.25%.
* Recognizing strong and steady growth in GDP, continued job growth and marginal upward pressures on inflation, the Federal Reserve is continuing its policy of increasing short-term interest rates at a measured pace.
* The Fed has increased its target overnight interest rate by a quarter of a percent at each of its past five meetings, bringing the target from a low of 1.00% to the current 2.25%.
* Markets expect another quarter point increase when the Fed next meets (February 1-2, 2005).

Lawyers, Lawyers Everywhere! Even Where We Drink!

Here is a great story about a lawyer who put his practice, literally, into a coffee shop.
“Thirsty for justice? Jeffrey Hughes’ two Legal Grind cafes in the Los Angeles area offer ‘Coffee and Counsel’ to those who may not otherwise seek legal advice. Through his innovative venture, Hughes has worked hard to both provide a valuable service to his community and change the public perception of attorneys.”
Who can come up with the best lawyer joke that ties in a coffee shop?
(Thanks to Jason Duncan for passing this story along!)

Hot Ventures for 2005

The editors of Fortune Small Business have made their predictions of “products, people, and ideas likely to make news in 2005.”
Here are some of their picks:
Designer Fruit: “Sometime in 2005 you may walk into a farmers’ market and find a fruit that you have never seen before and may not be able to pronounce: the peacotum.”
DNA Markers to Prevent Counterfeiting of Products: “Applied DNA takes strands of DNA from plants and alters them to create unique chemical tags that can be used to mark products (just as chemical taggants are added to explosives sold in the US).”
A Room With a View of the Ocean: “Poseidon Undersea Resort, expected to open in early 2006 off Eleuthera Island in the Bahamas, will give non-scuba divers the chance to experience life underwater without air tanks or wet suits.”
Medical Devices Galore: brain implants for quadriplegics that let them move a computer cursor by thoughts, nerve replacements, better joint replacements, harnesses for enlarged hearts, and spinal replacement parts are just some of the new medical devices coming to market.
Fast Food an Oxymoron No More: “HyperActive Bob…is a camera on the roof of fast-food restaurants that tracks cars in the drive-thru lane, along with software that analyzes the images. Based on the size and type of car, the software predicts how much food the people in it will order.”