The Entrepreneurial Mind : Founder of Talkapolis, John Bransford, and co-chair Kane Harrison take a break from staying behind the scenes of The Entrepreneurial Mind and come on as guests to talk about their progress.
Independent Artists Need to Think Like Entrepreneurs
The Entrepreneurial Mind : Drummer for hire Michael McManus talks with Dr. Cornwall about his numerous experiences, and how the career of a musician is not so dissimilar from that of an entrepreneur.
PR Firm Founder Plans Her Exit
The Entrepreneurial Mind : Paula Lovell, founder of Lovell Communications, talks the growth of her company and her exit strategy.
Bootstrapping a Gourmet Mac and Cheese Business
The Entrepreneurial Mind : Founder of Dan’s Gourmet Mac and Cheese, Dan Stephenson, talks about completely changing pace from corporate world to a bootstrapped food startup.
Elder Care as Consumer Product
The Entrepreneurial Mind : CEO and Co-Founder of Evermind, Dave Gilbert, talks about his transition into entrepreneurship, specifically medical technology, and the lessons he learned in the past that he’s applied to Evermind.
Niche Market in Genetics
The Entrepreneurial Mind: Founder of NextGxDx, Mark Harris, talks about building up his business after noticing and underserved market in the genetics industry.
Military Experiences Applied to Startup
The Entrepreneurial Mind : Alex Bertelli of Havenlock
Leading a Startup Within a Family Business
The Entrepreneurial Mind : Luci Armitstead leads a startup within a family business
Sometimes Old Tech Still Works
The Entrepreneurial Mind : Millie Stubblefield talks about success with a print newspaper
A Simple Message Brings Success
The Entrepreneurial Mind : Belmont alum Brock Fuller talks about his new business. A simple message brings success.