group of entrepreneurs is geared up to lead us out of the recession?
According to the
a survey from American Express OPEN Small Business Monitor, it is the Entrepreneurial Generation (a.k.a Gen Y, or the Millennials). The survey found that Gen Y is the most optimistic group of entrepreneurs when
compared to other age groups and to the overall sample of business owners. More
than three-quarters (80%) of these entrepreneurs have a significantly more
positive outlook on business prospects versus Gen X and business owners overall
(each 55%), and Baby Boomers (52%).
optimism of Gen Y entrepreneurs extends across a number of areas:
- They’re most likely to hire (36%, vs. 25% of Gen X and
20% of Boomers )
- They’re most likely to have capital investment plans
(58%, vs. 41% of Gen X and 39% of Boomers) - They’re most willing to take a financial risk (67%, vs.
52% of Gen X and 47% of Boomers) - They’re least likely to have cash flow issues (53%
versus 59% for Gen X and 64% of Baby Boomers) - They’re least stressed out by the economy (57% versus
72% of Gen X’ers and 71% of Boomers) - They’re most likely to implement employee-friendly
policies to battle the recession. Gen Y will allow employees to
maintain a flexible schedule (44%), Baby Boomers will institute a hiring
freeze (41%) and Gen X entrepreneurs will institute a salary freeze (39%)
This is consistent with the attitudes I am seeing among our Gen Y students this semester. I am handing back the first installment of business plans to my seniors this week. They are much more serious about trying to figure out a way to make their ventures work, as fewer believe that there will be jobs waiting for them when they graduate.