Bootstrap Marketing Made Easier through Social-Network Sites

I must admit that I am one of the few people who have never been to MySpace or FaceBook. I have nothing against such sites. It just must be the Luddite in me that keeps me from wanting to try anything new.
StartupJournal has a story about how social-network sites are proving to be a great place to engage in very targeted marketing. And it is free…at least for now.

For start-ups on a shoe-string buy topamax online australia budget, the opportunity to gain widespread exposure at no cost may seem too good to be true. But networking sites like MySpace, purchased by News Corp. last year, allow groups — including businesses — to create online communities for free. As a result, new ventures eager to establish an initial customer base can benefit by creating a network on MySpace and inviting “friends.”

Time to update my bootstrapping lecture for this fall!