Choosing the Right Technology

The latest collection of articles and how-to’s from eVenturing is one that sends a slight chill down my spine. As can be seen by this quote from a previous post, I am a bit of a Luddite:

I used to get teased by my managers, bankers, lawyers, and CPAs about how long I would drag my feet on new technologies. They complained that we were among the last businesses to buy a fax machine (OK, I am dating myself a bit here) and PC work stations. Everybody else had voice mail and e-mail long before we did, so they claimed.

Quite honestly, I was as much concerned about throwing money at new technology that did not deliver or would become obsolete before we even got it fully implemented as I was fearful of new technologies. For small business, cash is tight and we cannot afford to make bad decisions on expensive technology. It really needs to pay for itself through improved performance and/or efficiency. This collection from eVenturing offers some useful information to avoid making costly technology choices that just don’t deliver a return on investment.