And I Thought it was Just Me….

A new survey commissioned by Office Depot reveals that many individuals (34 percent) lose significant amounts of time — more than 15 minutes a day or nearly two hours every week — hunting for lost papers, sorting through messy files and re-booking missed appointments.
I think I lose two hours every day on such activities.
According to the study, the majority (53 percent) live in “controlled chaos,” where their desk is a mess but they claim to know where everything is located.
I am in the other 47 percent that lives in uncontrolled chaos. My desk is a mess and I have no idea where things are most of the time.
Busy professionals also are finding this rather chaotic lifestyle costly. In fact, 76 percent of respondents report they lose time to disorder, while more than half (51 percent) are concerned about missing important deadlines or appointments, and many cite fear of diminishing their reputation (16 percent) or losing business opportunities (14 percent) due to disorganization.
I am in the 24 percent who don’t even know that I lose time to my disorder. But then, ignorance is indeed bliss.
A mere 22 percent of respondents stated that they arranged their desk for maximum productivity every day, while 49 percent organize only once a month — or less frequently.
I organize my desk once a semester, whether it needs it or not.
Of those surveyed, 67 percent are not sure how to start or maintain their efforts.
I gave up years ago — it is now just a part of my character.