Entrepreneurship Becoming Path to Economic Independence

A study released by the SBA finds that more minorities in the US are pursuing entrepreneurial careers.
The highlights:

– In 2002, minorities owned approximately 18 percent of the 23 million U.S. firms.
– Using a proxy for measuring minority business growth, Black-owned firms had the highest growth rate for several measures between 1997 and 2002: 45.4 percent for the number of firms; 24.5 percent of total receipts for the group; and 16.7 percent for employer buy topamax canada firm receipts. Asians also experienced growth in the number of employer firms, 12.6 percent, and in annual payroll, 25.3 percent. American Indian and Native Alaskan business growth was 2.1 percent.
– Hispanics or Latinos constituted the largest minority business community and owned 6.6 percent of all U.S. firms; 3.7 percent of employer firms and 7.4 percent of nonemployer firms.

You can see the full study here.