Efficient Manufacturing Strategies

eVenturing has a new collection on efficient manufacturing strategies.

What can growing manufacturing companies do to compete effectively in today’s global economy? One answer is to apply the quality and efficiency techniques previously associated only with large corporations. Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma, and, more recently, Six Disciplines are proven ways to reduce costs, improve quality, and maintain margins. Small to medium-sized growth manufacturers are now successfully employing these processes to stay competitive. This eVenturing collection offers insight into efficient manufacturing strategies that smaller companies can use not only to produce products sold directly to consumers but also those that meet the needs of larger clients requiring use of such strategies. Stories of individual manufacturers that have implemented “Lean (Buck Knives, for example) illustrate the challenges and rewards.” Tools and templates provide a look at specifics of the process.

One of our alumni, Charles Hagood, has developed two very successful businesses (TAG and Healthcare Performance Partners) helping companies apply these techniques in manufacturing and health care settings.