Angel Investors’ Confidence Up

The National Dialogue on Entrepreneurship summarizes an interesting new report indicating that angel investors are liking the deals they see these days:

In its Confidence Report earlier this year, angel groups belonging to the Angel Capital Association predicted that the quantity and quality of entrepreneurial investment proposals in the coming year would surpass 2006 levels. A mid-year check by the ACA shows that those predictions were not just idle boasts. Fifty percent of survey respondents expressed that their group’s deal flow had continued to increase in quality and quantity during the first six months of 2007, and most of the remaining respondents said that deal flow was similar to 2006.

The report also suggests that the informal system of financing, with angels usually getting in early stage and then handing off to VCs for later rounds, seems to be working more smoothly from their perspective:

Angel groups also expressed optimism regarding relationships with venture capitalists. A majority of angel group leaders (73.7) thought that the relationships between VCs and angel groups had improved in the last three years. Reasons given for the improved relationship with VCs included: market segmentation, increased understanding about their respective roles in early and later-stage financing, better deal structuring, and good company referrals, among other things. Forty-four percent of the angel groups in the survey had established partnerships with VC firms to expedite co-investments or follow-on investments.