Work Ethic of the Entrepreneurial Generation

Amy Lynch has an interesting post at her site about Generation Y workers (or as I call them the Entrepreneurial Generation). She is a consultant on Generation Y — yes, it seems we need consultants on this generation….
From her site:

Millennials grew up during an era of extreme informality. Polite behavior and face-to-face skills are not a given with this group. Even when they want to be polite, be a valuable employee or provide customer service, they may not know how. Furthermore, they grew up communicating by computer, so they may miss the nuances of your body language or tone of voice that could tell them when they’re doing something that isn’t up to standard.
So the question is, how do you distinguish Millennials who have no interest in or incentive to work (and whom you cannot continue to employ, at least not at this stage of their lives) from those who are simply behaving Gen-Yishly and need coaching rather than firing?

(Thanks to my colleague — and fellow Kentucky Wildcat fan — Lori LaBleu for passing this along).