Creating Balance Every Morning

Sam Davidson of CoolPeopleCare sent me a link to a blog post that offers “10 Morning Rituals For The Healthy Entrepreneur“. While these can feel a bit hokey at first, it is important to engage in this type of routine. It can be a key element for creating temperance in our lives. Work can so easily become all consuming, especially for the entrepreneur.
Reading this reminds me of the routines that I value that I have let slip a bit lately….
– Quiet reflection or prayer sitting on my back porch early in the morning with my first cup of hot coffee.
– Taking my daily walk with my wife (and our dogs, of course).
– Attending morning mass on the way to work.
Lent is right around the corner. I think I will commit to bringing these things back into my daily routine rather than try to find something to “give up” for Lent.