Where Did the Year Go?

Entrepreneurship Week is almost here again. It starts on Saturday. Where did the year go?
Like last year, I look at this week with mixed emotions. While I am pleased at the attention it draws to entrepreneurs in our economy, it saddens me that we relegate entrepreneurs to simply one week. After all, entrepreneurship is over 50% of the economy.
Having only our own week puts entrepreneurship right there in the mix with National Fresh Squeezed Juice Week, National Pancake Week, National Cleaning Week, National Condom Week (I am not making these up…), National Headache Awareness Week, National Fig Week, National Backyard Games Week, National Business Etiquette Week, Improve Your Home Office Week, National Pollinators Week, and National Chestnut Week.
Why not give us a whole month? That would at least put us up there with National Hot Tea Month, National Bird Feeding Month, National Umbrella Month, Prune Breakfast Month, National Stamp Collecting Month, National Sweet Potato Month, National Kite Month, National Sweet Vidalia Month, National Bikini Month, National Library Lovers Month, National Noodle Month, National Asparagus Month, Country Music Month, National Baked Bean Month, National Horseradish Month, and last but not least, National Pomegranate Month.
Any way….Happy Entrepreneurship Week!