Entrepreneurship Builds Character

Virtual Entrepreneur reflects on some of the ways that entrepreneurship builds a person’s character in a post about the non-financial rewards of starting a business.

While there is no guarantee of riches, through the pursuit, you will obtain rewards of character. And the development of sound character is perhaps the most important perk of entrepreneurship. At the end of the day, no one really cares how much money you made. They care about who you are.

I could not agree more.  And we need to be deliberate in our decision making and actions in business, as each one shapes our character.  From Bringing Your Business to Life:

[T]he moral and spiritual character of an entrepreneur or businessperson will be captured in the responsible relationships he has forged with others in the actions of running his business. More specifically, this can be shaped by the opportunities he pursues, who he chooses to do business with, who he hires, decisions he makes about products and markets, decisions about whether and how fast to grow, the corporate culture he builds, and his engagement with the community as a leader and/or citizen.