Perfect that Pitch

Brad Feld, an early stage investor and an entrepreneur, offers great advice on things NOT to do when trying to make that perfect pitch in an article at US News.  Here is just one of his eight no-no’s when looking for money:

Listing 27 advisors but only one co-founder: Advisory boards, especially at the very early stages of a company, are generally useless. A few key advisors who have deep domain knowledge or experience in your industry are great, but a long list of lightly engaged people who have well-known names but aren’t helping you diminishes your credibility.

So read Feld’s advice, brush up on your pitch, and join us for the first phase of FastPitch Nashville called Pitch Camp:

The details:

When: Friday, February 6, 2009, 1-5pm
Who: Anybody that has, or wants to dream up, an idea
Where: Gordon Inman Center, Belmont University
Cost: $35 per person