Entrepreneurial Welfare?

Want to see the logical conclusion that one reaches when one buys into the notion that the government is the answer to every problem we face?  Go to this blog post at Yu-Kai Chou to see the “logical” conclusion one reaches when one assumes that the government knows best when it comes to fixing our economy.  Here is an excerpt:

The government can give entrepreneurs a VERY low amount of survival money,
like $20,000 a year, as a salary to do entrepreneurial work. This is
useful because there are lots and lots of people who would be entrepreneurs but
they couldn’t pursue their dreams due to realistic survival issues.

This plan allows them to pursue the innovation work they want without the fear
of dying on the streets.

That’s right…it is a call for an entrepreneurial welfare program.  I kid you not.  Read the entire post and the comments, but make sure you do it before you have had too much caffeine. Your blood pressure may go off the charts.

I have been warning you that there is a movement to push for socialized entrepreneurship in America.