Getting them on the Right Track

When done correctly, I am a big fan of charter schools.  Some states, like Tennessee for example, stack the odds against charter schools.  But, when the laws are fair for charter schools that are an amazing catalyst for educational change.  I wrote my book From the Ground Up as a guide to help charter schools and other innovative education start-ups navigate the business side of running independent schools.

Belmont alumnus Andy Tabar sent along a link to an article at about a charter school in his home town of Cleveland, Ohio that has chosen to have an entrepreneurship theme to their curriculum:

The first eighth-graders to graduate from Cleveland’s Entrepreneurship
Preparatory School are true survivors.

E Prep, as the charter school is known, opened three years ago with 124
sixth-graders, but only 46 students persevered to graduate on Friday. Getting to
that point was not easy. The school’s regimen sends the frivolous packing.