Reaction to Pink Slip? Bootstrapping to a Business Model

My Friend Ami Kassar (formerly with ideablob, which died when Advanta went bankrupt) offers a great bootstrapping story.  Fresh off his pink slip from Advanta, Ami used bootstrapping to navigate his way through using the market to help refine and develop his new business model behind his venture MultiFunding.

From the Philadelphia Daily News:

To start up quickly and cheaply, MultiFunding used WordPress as its blogging
platform (“so we can evolve it,” Kassar explains). He and his partner printed a
scant 100 business cards apiece, he says – then scrapped them and reprinted a
micro-batch when they realized that their corporate tagline was off-message.

“We found our office as a sublease on Craigslist,” he says. “We moved in and
the phones were here and the Internet was here, and we got going.”

Baby steps for newborn companies: “I think you have to start with your idea,
then break your idea into steps,” Kassar says.

Step one, he says, is to “sort out what the fundamental economic proposition
of your idea is and what it would take to prove it….”

“Then find a way to execute it as inexpensively as you can. Then, in
two-month or three-month increments, you can say, ‘OK, I’ve learned this or
proved this. What is the next step?’

Ami offers great lessons for any start-up.