I think this is very helpful information! If an employer hones in too closely on one specific task they need an employee to fulfill, they may lose sight of everything else that comes with hiring. It is an interesting note that despite whatever position you may be hiring for, the way they interact with customers should be a main priority to consider. Of course you want potential employees to do what they are asked given their position, but I never would have considered that every position should be capable of interacting with customers just as well as the next.
I think this is very helpful information! If an employer hones in too closely on one specific task they need an employee to fulfill, they may lose sight of everything else that comes with hiring. It is an interesting note that despite whatever position you may be hiring for, the way they interact with customers should be a main priority to consider. Of course you want potential employees to do what they are asked given their position, but I never would have considered that every position should be capable of interacting with customers just as well as the next.