I wrote a recent post on Entrepreneurial A.D.D. As a follow-up, my graduate assistant, Joe Ormont, found a very good post at Court’s blog that offers some tips on getting focused:
- Do it doucement (slowly, very slowly) (not sure whether this is a Bond movie line actually). We often fail when we try too hard. Take it one step at the time and incorporate necessary tasks week by week.
- Don’t measure yourself against others in competition. Use them as a guideline if all. You will only set yourself up for early failure when you try to compare what they have and you haven’t achieved.
- If you run a business besides working a day job, buy topiramate uk invest more emotional energy into your business. After all, it is your future and deserves your full attention.
- Don’t be put off by setbacks, keep persisting!
- Do something for your business every single day, regardless how tired you are.
- Use personal visualization techniques to day dream. They are very powerful.
- Don’t spend your time with negative people and business dream wreckers. They are poison, especially in the early (failure) stages of your business.
- Be proud of your achievements, however small they seem.
- Learn from your setbacks and mistakes and do it better next time round.
- Don’t try to complicate things – keep it easy.
- Have fun.
Some good thoughts to reflect on at the end of the week.