Ideas From Everyday Life

“But, where do I find an idea?”
Many aspiring entrepreneurs may have the passion to strike off on their own, but they sometimes lack the business idea to make it happen. Most of the time they are trying too hard to find the “next Microsoft” or invent the “next iPod.”
The best business opportunities I typically see come from things people know something about. It is like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz discovering how to get back to Kansas; the answer was right in front of her all along.
StartupJournal provides a couple of good examples in recent articles posted at their site. The first is a woman who turned a grocery shopping annoyance into a business:

Missy Cohen-Fyffe’s business began when other moms gave her unsolicited feedback as she strolled down grocery-store aisles with her son riding in blanket-like protection in the shopping cart.
“I just didn’t want my son biting on the gross, grimy metal,” she said of her Clean Shopper invention.
Seven years and four employees later, Cohen-Fyffe has turned her crafty idea into a full-time career: selling the Clean Shopper and other baby products from her New Hampshire home base.

The second example is of a woman who turned her hobby of tennis into a new business and a new career:

Ms. Parker targeted a tiny but lucrative market: the sticky “overgrips” that some tennis players wrap around their racket handles. Overgrips cost a few cents to make, yet they retail for about $2 each. Full of naive optimism about her prospects, Ms. Parker hoped to turn a drab-looking product into a fashion accessory that might catch the public’s fancy.

Don’t over think of ideas for new businesses. The best ideas come from our work experiences, our hobbies, or our everyday lives. Find something from your experiences that is also a need for others. There may be competition, but they just do not quite take care of the need. Or if you are lucky, it may be a niche that nobody has discovered. Either way, solving everyday problems that you understand is the best path to your first business venture.

What Competition?

Those who read business plans on a regular basis begin to see certain patterns that immediately send up red flags. One of the most common that I see is a when the entrepreneur downplays, or even dismisses their competition. Sometimes it is due to lack of careful research, sometimes it is due to tunnel vision, sometimes it is arrogance, and sometimes it is due to denial. But whatever the cause, ignoring the competition is most often deadly for a new business.
Jack Trout offers some good tips on how to look at your competitive environment at
1. Avoid a Competitor’s Strength and Exploit His Weakness
This reminds me of the classic entrepreneurial strategy from Peter Drucker: “Hit ’em where they ain’t.” If you notice weaknesses in your competitors your customers will likely see the same things. And if it is something that really matters to the customer, go after it and use it to your advantage.
2. Always Be a Little Bit Paranoid About Competition
If it feels like the competition is watching you, they probably are! They will adjust their strategy to counter moves you make. The start-up of a business is just that: the start. Competition is not a race to the starting line.
3. Competitors Will Usually Get Better, If Pushed
Just like in sports, competition will make your opponent better. That means you will also need to work at getting better at what you do and what you offer to the customer.
4. When Business Is Threatened, Competitors Aren’t Rational
Remember that the two responses of a threatened animal are fight or flight. In business, competitors rarely fly, so get ready for them to fight. The fighting response is not always well planned. It is usually instinctive and impulsive.
I recommend that business owners use a tool called a competitive matrix. It is really quite simple. Along the top of the matrix list the 3-6 primary criteria that customers use to choose either your product/service or your competitors. Think like your customer.
Then along the side of the matrix list each of the main competitors seeking the same customers as you. Again, keep the list to about 3-6 of the toughest competitors you will face.
Then inside each of the squares of the matrix describe how well each of the competitors addresses each of the needs of the customer. Be objective and be descriptive.
This should not be a one time exercise. It should become the way you continually monitor what each competitor is doing in the market and how your customers’ tastes and preferences are changing.
Never take your eye off the competition and never underestimate what they can accomplish.

Dependent Relationships

A risky business model is one that is one that is based on a dependent relationship with just a handful or even just one main customer. has a good case in point from the auto industry in which GM is looking to cut its costs on the backs of its suppliers. Many of these companies are small businesses that are completely dependent on GM for their survival.
My rule of thumb is this: never let a single customer represent a percentage of your sales that is larger than your profit margin. That way if you lose one customer, even your largest customer, you can stay in business.
While this may not always be possible to achieve, it should be a goal that drives your growth. If you are heavily dependent on one or two customers, work hard to grow your business with new customers that can lessen this dependence.
It also allows you to fire any customer, if necessary. If a big customer makes it impossible to do business with them due to shrinking profit margins or impossible terms, you can tell them to take a walk. We did this twice with very large managed care companies in our business. Did it hurt? You bet it did, but we had enough other business to survive. We focused our efforts on replacing these customers with new ones that were more profitable and easier to work with.

Small Business Facts for 2005

Small businesses continue to drive the U.S. economy, according to the updated 2005 Small Business FAQ, released by the Office of Advocacy at the U.S. Small Business Administration.
Small business statistics highlighted in the 2005 Small Business FAQ include:
– Small businesses represent 99.7 percent of all employer firms.
– Over the past decade, small business net job creation fluctuated between 60 and 80 percent.
– Small businesses generate more than 50 percent of the nonfarm private gross domestic product (GDP).
– Two-thirds of new employer establishments survive at least two years after start-up, and 44 percent survive at least four years.
– Small businesses employ half of all private sector employees.
– Very small firms with fewer than 20 employees spend 45 percent more per employee than the largest firms to comply with federal regulations.
– Minorities own 4.1 million firms that generate $694.1 billion in revenues and employ 4.8 million workers.
– Women own 6.5 million businesses that generate $950.6 billion in revenues, and employ 7.2 million workers.
– In 2004, an estimated 580,900 employer firms opened while an estimated 576,200 closed.

Entrepreneurial Cities in the US

Well, fall is here and that is the season of rankings. The latest is from Entrepreneur magazine with its rankings of top cities for entrepreneurial development. Here is their top ten:
1 Phoenix-Mesa, AZ
2 Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill, NC-SC
3 Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill, NC
4 Las Vegas, NV-AZ
5 Indianapolis, IN
6 Washington-Baltimore, DC-MD-VA-WV
7 Atlanta, GA
8 Nashville, TN
9 Austin-San Marcos, TX
10 Memphis, TN-AR-MS
As always, it is important to look behind the rankings and see what is actually being measured.
In this ranking they look at the percentage of businesses that are 4-14 years old and that employ at least 5 people. This is a measure of newness of businesses in the area. The reason that the businesses must be at least four years old is to capture only those that seem to be surviving.
This ranking then looks at growth rate of these businesses and creates an index of entrepreneurial activity.
This seems to be a pretty good measure of entrepreneurial activity. However, care must be taken when interpreting any study based on percentage data. For example, if a state or city had a very bad economic climate in the 1980s and 1990s, the odds are good that most of their businesses will be newer and it will rank higher.
An interesting case from this ranking is Hawaii, which ranked 10th overall in this study.
Hawaii was devastated by the collapse of the sugar and to a lesser degree the pineapple industries. Both had been propped up by failed governmental policies. Unemployment skyrocketed during this time. Very little of their traditional economic base, other than tourism, remained.
Eventually, entrepreneurial activity began to fill the void and the Hawaiian economy began to be rebuilt. This new entrepreneurial economy is, in fact, working remarkably well. Hawaii now has relatively low unemployment (2.6% compared to 4.9% nationally) due to the growth of new businesses.

401-k? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ 401k!

A recent study issued by the outplacement firm Challenger, Gray, & Christmas has been making the rounds the past couple of weeks in the newspaper business sections. The study reports that baby boomers are looking in large numbers to make entrepreneurship part of their retirement plans.
One of the reasons stated by boomers for choosing this path relates to a lack of retirement planning. It seems many in my generation lived it up from the 1960s through the 1990s and have little wealth to show for their efforts. Many seemed to carry the “live for today” mentality throughout their entire working lives.
However, the problem with viewing entrepreneurship as the Holy Grail for their sunset years is that it may not help them achieve wealth.
Many are choosing a self-employment, consulting route to entrepreneurship. They gained significant expertise within some specific area, and they become a “free agent” selling their service to a variety of clients. While this can create an income flow, it is not a business model that generally creates a path to wealth.
There is often nothing to “sell” when the boomer entrepreneur really wants or needs to retire. A consulting business is tied to the activity of the owner and has no residual value that someone will be able to buy. A business has value to a buyer if it creates on-going cash flow into the future. If the boomer entrepreneur/consultant retires, the cash flow from his/her consulting activities ends.
There seems to be a myth that entrepreneurship and self-employment are secret paths to wealth. If these boomers didn’t prepare in their working years, they can start a business when they reach retirement age and it will magically create wealth. It just doesn’t work that way.
Wealth takes time, effort and careful planning to build, whether it be through a job or through your own business. Creating wealth from an entrepreneurial venture is something that has to be engineered into the business model. That is why many experts recommend having your exit plan in mind from the very beginning of the business.
You need be able to build a business that will generate cash flow into the future long after you leave the scene. That is what has value to a buyer more than anything else. They don’t care about assets or reputation unless these things can continue to generate income after they buy your business.

A For Profit Non-Profit

John Sage, the co-founder of Pura Vida Coffee, spent the day at Belmont University yesterday. John has created a for profit coffee company with a mission that mandates they donate all of their profits back to help the children of the countries that supply their coffee.

Pura Vida is 100% charitably owned. All of our resources go to help at-risk children in coffee-growing countries who suffer from the damaging effects of poverty.

An interesting business model to say the least! They offer any investors only the possibility of a modest financial return (at best) capped at about a T-Bill rate. They believe that the good that they can do through the capitalistic system more than makes up for any shortfall in profit returns to their investors.

EPA Urged to Offer More Flexibility for Small Business

While the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has made progress on reducing the burdens small manufacturing businesses face, testimony from Thomas Sullivan of the SBA asserts that there is room for even more flexibility for smaller companies without sacrificing environmental protection.
America’s small manufacturers face a disproportionate regulatory compliance burden. Small firms spend four and half times as much per employee on environmental compliance as their larger counterparts do.

Partners Squared

I ran a post earlier this year on the challenges of spouses also being business partners. It was based on a very insightful interview from
StartupJournal offers some additional thoughts into what helps make being marriage partners together with being business partners a positive combination. There are over 13 million married couples in business together in the US, so it can work.
And that is the key word: work. A good marriage takes hard work and a good business partnership takes hard work. Putting the two together and making them both work creates the need for a tremendous amount of effort and planning. It rarely just “happens.”
Think it through very carefully. The interview from offered this caution:

Though there are no accurate statistics about what happens when spouses try to run a business together, expert estimates are grim: “Only 5% of couples can make all-in partnership work,” says Azriela Jaffe, a frequent reporter on the phenomenon of entrepreneurial couples….

The challenges of being both types of partners at once are not just twice as many; the challenges can feel like they go up exponentially. That is why I call it a partnership squared.