Carnival of the Capitalists This week

This week has an impressive collection of posts for Carnival of the Capitalists. For those who have visited the Carnival of the Capitalists before, you will find this week’s collection to be rich and diverse. For those who have not been to the Carnival before, I encourage you to take a look. Each week a different Web Log hosts the Carnival of the Capitalists. The rest of us send our posts for the week. It provides a unique collection of ideas and information.

Growing Pains

Here is a quote that Dr. Susan Williams of Belmont University passed along to me. It describes so well the experience that many of us have gone through as our businesses go through periods of rapid growth and change. For me it describes both what I experienced and what our business experienced.
“Everything alive is surprisingly alive– and on a twitchy, searching, self-aware, self-organizing upward journey. Such living systems periodically break into severe twitchiness and appear to fall apart. They do not. It is actually at such vibrating times that living systems are shaking themselves to higher ground. Transition to a higher order is universally accompanied by turbulence. The disorder and disharmony is a necessary activation of growth to a higher level. The greater the turbulence, the more often it will go into apparent disharmony in order to re-jiggle itself to a higher level.” Ilya Prigogine, Nobel physicist.

Good Advice from Fred Smith

Dr. Susan Williams, a colleague of mine here at Belmont, passed along this link to remarks that Fred Smith, Chairman, President and CEO of FedEx Corporation gave to a conference on entrepreneurship in the Dominican Republic in 2001. His five key points are as good a basic set of ideas as I have seen. Any potential entrepreneur would be well served to think very carefully about Mr. Smith?s words of advice.

thanks brett!

First, I must make a full disclosure: I am an NFL owner. That’s right, I own one share of the Green Bay Packers. As a life-long Packer fan, I want to thank the team, and particularly Brett Favre, for such an exciting season. We did not have very high expectations this year, so all of the end of the year heroics were frosting on the cake.
The Pack will be back next year!

Beware of building up inventory

I have been getting more and more calls from folks thinking about opening up a retail business. This is typical as an economy begins to recover. Probably the single biggest risk, especially in the days of big box stores like Best Buy and Wal-Mart, is poorly manged inventory and pricing. We offer this classic article from the archives of INC magazine to any of you who are thinking about or acting on a plan to go into retail or are expanding your current retail operation.