Although warming up a bit, the venture capital market is no where near the scalding hot level of activity of a few years ago. This site gives a good analysis of the state of the venture capital world today.
Business Blog Tour
Barry Moltz,s book “You Need to Be a Little Crazy : The Truth about Starting and Growing Your Business” is going to be the first what we hope are many books that will be featured on a “blog book tour“. Moltz presents a realistic look at what it is like to take the plunge.
I encourage all of you to get a copy of this book and join in the discussion, which will begin on 2/2/04.
Kauffman Announces Mega-grants for Entrepreneurship Education
The Kauffman Foundation has announced the eight universities that will be the recipients of its $25 million program to support entrepreneurship education. There are some wonderful programs on this list! Congratulations to all!!
Entrepreneurship Programs Increasing Across the Country
This article in USA Today illustrates the trend toward more support for entrepreneurship education in academic institutions. What were outlaw programs just a couple of decades ago are now becoming mainstream.
Merry Christmas!!
I will be taking time off with family and friends for the Holidays. Have a Merry Christmas!!!
Glass Half Full?? (Rerun)
An entry I wrote entitled “Glass Half Full??” was picked up by the Nashville Business Journal as an op-ed piece. Since this is rerun season on television, I thought I’d give you this link as my version of a blog rerun.
More good economic news
A report issued 12/18/03 shows that leading economic indicators are up…again! Particularly of note: unemployment claims dropped…again!
Angel Investors Decrease in number? Probably not
A report by the American Business Journal cited at the NFIB web site finds that the number of angel investors may have dropped by as many as 80% in the past three years. But this study should be looked at carefully.
Continue reading Angel Investors Decrease in number? Probably not
The U.N. and Entrepreneurship
I recently wrote an entry called “Beware of the Nose of the Camel” in which I worried about Disney’s growing interest in entrepreneurship. Well, that was nothing compared to this one!! All of a sudden the UN is getting interested in entrepreneurship. YIKES! The UN is one agency that could single handedly bring an end to entrepreneurial free enterprise as we know it!!
Women Entrepreneurs shaping public debate
Women Impacting Public Policy is an interesting organization that focuses on the interests of women entrepreneurs and small business owners.