Creating a Financial Dashboard for Down Economy

My column in this week’s Tennessean looks at key financial information you need on your dashboard to help you navigate these challenging times:

It’s beginning to look like we may be in this recession for quite some time. Even if your small business has survived to this point, it still could be financially vulnerable to the continued sluggishness in the economy.

Unfortunately there is no single number or financial measure that can fully assess the threat a business faces. It is important to keep your eye on several key numbers and ratios. When put together these are referred to as a financial dashboard — an easy-to-read series of figures that gives a good overview of how a business is faring.

The first category of figures that should be on your dashboard each month helps assess how well you are managing debt. A ratio that bankers pay particular attention to is times interest earned, which assesses how well your business can cover its loan payments owed to the bank.

The percentage of your assets financed through debt is another key ratio. Finally, the overuse of credit card debt can make a business more vulnerable.

The second category on your dashboard should assess the strength of the cash position of your business. Never forget that “cash is king.” Monitor your cash reserves carefully.

Vic Alexander of KraftCPAs recently advised a class of entrepreneurs that I was teaching to have enough cash on hand to cover at least 45 days of expenses. If customers pay on account, monitor the average age of your accounts receivable.

Finally, looking at the ratio of cash to current accounts payable each month is another good test of the strength of your cash position.
Watch your suppliers

Your business is also dependent on the financial health of suppliers and customers. Add some measures to your dashboard that help you monitor them, which can include:

• The number of suppliers that still let you buy from them on credit.

• The increase in new customers you are able to attract each month.

• Your ability to attract returning customers.

• Your dependence on a few large customers.

• Revenue trends from month to month and compared to the same time last year.

• If you carry inventory in your business, watch it closely from month to month to ensure that you are not building excessive inventories.

My friend, Dr. George Solomon, a professor at George Washington University, and I have put all of this together in an online assessment for Entrepreneur magazine that walks you through each calculation.

It is available free of charge at and will provide you with an overall score that helps you evaluate your financial vulnerability.

So, pull out your financial statements, grab a mug of coffee and take an honest look at the financial health of your operation.

Getting them on the Right Track

When done correctly, I am a big fan of charter schools.  Some states, like Tennessee for example, stack the odds against charter schools.  But, when the laws are fair for charter schools that are an amazing catalyst for educational change.  I wrote my book From the Ground Up as a guide to help charter schools and other innovative education start-ups navigate the business side of running independent schools.

Belmont alumnus Andy Tabar sent along a link to an article at about a charter school in his home town of Cleveland, Ohio that has chosen to have an entrepreneurship theme to their curriculum:

The first eighth-graders to graduate from Cleveland’s Entrepreneurship
Preparatory School are true survivors.

E Prep, as the charter school is known, opened three years ago with 124
sixth-graders, but only 46 students persevered to graduate on Friday. Getting to
that point was not easy. The school’s regimen sends the frivolous packing.

A Lesson from the US Open

I have not written about a golf metaphor for entrepreneurship in quite a while, but the US Open from this past weekend offered an important lesson.

No matter how good you are or how well you prepare, there are certain things that can happen that are totally outside of your control.  The golfers who got the bad end of the weather this past weekend at the US Open experienced this first hand.  Some of the golfers played their early rounds in constant rain and windy weather.  Others, due to their tee times, played with little or no rain — just a soft and receptive course awaited them after the rains ended.

Was this fair?  That is not the point.  It is, as they say, what it is.

I tell my students that we can help them manage about 80% of the causes for failure in their businesses. 

About 40% of failure happens because the entrepreneur jumped into a business that was doomed from the start.  They did not properly assess the opportunity prior to launch.  Rather, they impulsively moved ahead with little forethought. 

About 40% of failure happens because the entrepreneur is not ready for success once it happens.  Growth is a dangerous time for a small business — just ask any banker.  If you are not prepared to properly manage and develop your business as it grows, you will soon join the legions of entrepreneurs who failed due to their own success.  They did not create the systems, grow the team, or secure the resources necessary to deal with the growing pains that sink so many promising ventures.  We try to prepare our students with the skills and knowledge to manage their growing ventures successfully.

But then there is that other 20% of business failure.  This failure comes from what you cannot predict nor plan for.  Call it uncertainty, risk, or just bad luck.  Sometimes things happen to even the most skilled and prepared entrepreneurs that are totally outside of their ability to manage. 

My favorite example of this is an old diet supplement that used to be on the market — it was called Ayds.  The product was growing nicely until a deadly disease with the same sounding name crept into our consciousness — AIDS.  The sales of the product plummeted.  The spread of a deadly disease with a similar sounding name is nothing that could have been predicted, and there was very little they could do to adjust in time once people stopped buying the product.

This is why I put the Serenity Prayer, or as I call it the Entrepreneurs’ Prayer at the end of most of my syllabi for my classes:


Don’t Be Fooled by Temporary Lull in Inflationary Pressures

I am participating in a multi-blogger forum through Forbes magazine as part of their 

America‘s Most Promising Companies project. They will be throwing out a topic each week to several bloggers to write about.

This week’s topic from Brett Nelson, Entrepreneurs Editor at

There’s a lot of confusion about whether we are in a deflationary or an inflationary environment. What sorts of pricing strategies should small business owners consider right now?

I have consistently been on the side of those who are worried that inflation is inevitable.  Although the recession has dampened inflationary pressures, I still believe this is only a temporary reprive.

The problem for small business during inflationary times is that they are less able to adjust prices as quickly to
adjust to inflationary pressures.  There is never a smooth and orderly increase in
prices for every business in the economy and small businesses often suffer the most.

If you have big suppliers and/or customers they can tie your hands. 
Your costs go up, but you are unable to pass along these costs with
higher prices.

What I worry about even more is that we may see inflation take hold long before the recession is over.  This makes keeping prices up to stay ahead of increasing costs even more difficult as demand will still be fairly weak for some time.

what can a small business do in terms of pricing strategies to try and weather this
impending inflationary storm?

The recession has made entrepreneurs leary of doing anything but cut prices to keep their businesses afloat during the recession.  While that may still be the best course over the short-run, pay very close attention to pricing from your suppliers, decreases in unemployment, increasing interest rates, and pricing moves from the big boys in your industry.  These are the elements of your inflationary dashboard.

When inflation heats up even a little, be aggressive with frequent
small price increases rather than waiting and trying to catch up at
some point with one big jump
. Don’t let yourself get behind, as small businesses can almost never play catch-up with their prices.

This can be tough to implement for some businesses, particulary if you publically list your prices.  For example, it can get very costly to print up new menus each month for a restaurant owner who wants to follow this strategy.

But customers are less likely to pay attention to price increases if they are small, so it is essential to find creative ways to communicate your pricing to allow for you to implement this strategy during inflationary times.  For a resaurant it may require using menu inserts that can inexpensively be replaced.  This was actually very commonly used in restaurants during the 1970s and 1980s when we had high inflation.

I know the question of the week is pricing, but I can’t let this discussion go without a brief reminder that the income statement is also made up of costs.  Adjusting to inflation also requires careful attention to expenses, as cutting costs can at least somewhat help ease the pressure to increase prices. 

Continue the prudent management of expenses that helped you survive the recession:

– Keep overhead low.

– Build cash reserves to buffer short term price increases that precede your ability to get higher prices from your customers.

– Watch your margins carefully. Worry about growing profits, not sales.

– Don’t lock into long-term contracts that have narrow margins with large customers.

– Pay down variable interest loans ASAP, especially now that
interest rates are temporarily realtively low. As soon as inflation heats up, interest rates will continue to rise.

Immigration Labyrinth

Immigrants have always played a vital role in fueling our entrepreneurial economic engine.  Given our need for help in revving up that engine right now, I wish we would take another look at our immigration policy.

The primary reason that we see so many immigrants pursue entrepreneurship is that they are opportunity focused – surveys reveal that this is what drives many of them to leave for new a new country.  I have to wonder how attractive the US will look in a few years after our mad dash to socialism is fully in force. 

When we look within specific ethnic communities in the US, recent immigrants out perform non-immigrants in economic achievements and have higher rates of self-employment than native-born in these ethnic communities.

In Internet-based ventures, immigrant entrepreneurs pursue more aggressive strategy.  One study found that 25.4% of engineering and technology companies include at least one founder who was born outside of the US.

Here are a few more quick facts:

  • Immigrants represent 12.5 of all business owners.
  • Immigrants are 30 percent more likely to start a business than non-immigrants are.
  • Immigrant business owners are concentrated in certain states, including California, New York, New Jersey, Florida, and Hawaii.
  • Mexicans represent the largest number of immigrant business owners, while Greeks, Koreans, and Iranians have the highest ownership rates

I have written in the past that our immigration process is too complex and outdated.  It is yet another example of public policy, social activism, and bureaucracy run amuck.  Immigrants have always been a major force for innovation and entrepreneurial activity in the US.  It is time to rethink how we manage this process.

Immigration Road Blog displays a flow chart of the current immigration process in the US. No wonder so many choose the route of illegal immigration.  The process is a labyrinth that inhibits people from pursuing immigration through the legal channels.    

Bootstrapping Logo Design

I know this may get me an Inbox full of e-mails from traditional graphic designers out there, but my colleague Robert Dillingham has passed along an article about a great way to bootstrap your logo design using a site called LogoTournament.  From Zack Stern at PC World:

The site inverts the idea of one designer spending a lot of time; here many designers spend a little time, each submitting their ideas. The winner nets my prepaid bounty, and I get full rights to the logo.

I was a little skeptical to turn to the Internet masses versus a single designer. Anyone can upload ideas. But only a few days into my contest so far, I already have a few submissions that could work, among a dozen other attempts. As we get closer to my week-long deadline, I expect more designers to add entries. Other contests paying as little as $250 are getting 100 or more entries, but if you don’t get at least 30, LogoTournament offers a refund.

What a great example of the power of the Internet to connect small businesses to work together more effectively.

An Uneven Recovery will be Follwed by a New Economic Reality

Here is my column from today’s Tennessean.  Happy Father’s Day!

In its monthly surveys of small business owners, the National Federation of Independent Business found that small
businesses have been feeling a bit more optimistic the past two months.
The results seem to suggest that entrepreneurs are beginning to believe
that the worst may be over when it comes to the recession. But just
what will the recovery will look like? And what is the longer-term
outlook for the economy?

The pace of the recovery will not be consistent for every business owner.  This recovery is not going to be a case of a rising tide lifting all boats.

certain sectors of the economy and specific geographic regions are
showing some signs of improvement, others seem to be mired with flat or
even continued declining sales.

specific industries we are seeing inconsistent trends. For example,
while much of real estate and construction remains almost dead in the
water, those who work within the health-care segment of this industry
report improving performance.

Business owners hold back

looking deeper into the results of the NFIB survey, there are signs
that this recovery may be a long, slow road. Even though entrepreneurs
feel more optimistic, they do not plan to increase hiring, build
inventories or resume capital spending anytime soon.

of their optimism may be coming from a realization that the cries in
the media that this was becoming the “next Great Depression” were
unsubstantiated exaggerations.

biggest concern on the minds of (business) owners is the weakness in
spending which has now started to turn up as consumers become less
concerned with proclamations of pending disaster for the economy — it’s
not going to happen,” said NFIB chief economist William Dunkelberg.

However, the improvement in consumer spending shows little sign of creating a strong bounce in the economy anytime soon.

what can we expect for the long-term economic outlook? Understand that
economies are not just isolated to commercial transactions. There is a
strong long-term tie between our economy and our society and culture.
There are some signs that we may be in a period of fundamental economic
and cultural change.

Things won’t be the same

The frenzied consumerism-driven economy that dominated our past decades may never return.

may emerge from the recession into a very different economic/cultural
reality. There are growing signs that consumers are becoming less
concerned with keeping up with the Joneses and more focused on becoming
frugal spenders.

can still be found in such a transformed economy if it actually occurs.
The key will be to understand these changes and offer new business
models that respond to changing needs, preferences, attitudes and
consumer behavior.

have led the way with almost every economic recovery. Let’s hope that
their newfound optimism will soon translate into renewed and
sustainable economic growth.

Entre-Boomers Rule

There has been quite a bit of discussion lately about the role the Entre-Boomers (those of us from the Baby Boomer generation who are pursuing entrepreneurship) in the economy.  Now that we are in what looks to be a prolonged economic lull, the role of Entre-Boomers may become more important than ever.

My colleague John Wark sent along a discussion about this that was published this week at The American:

Contrary to popularly held assumptions, it turns out that over the past decade or so, the highest rate of entrepreneurial activity (a measurement of new business creation) belongs to the 55-64 age group. The 20-34 age bracket meanwhile–which we usually identify with swashbuckling and risk-taking youth (think Facebook and Google)–has the lowest. Perhaps most surprising, this disparity occurred even during the decade surrounding the dot-com boom–when the young entrepreneurial upstart became a cultural icon.

  • In every single year from 1996 to 2007, Americans between the ages of 55 and 64 had a higher rate of entrepreneurial activity than those aged 20-34.
  • For the entire period, the 55-64 group averaged a rate of entrepreneurial activity roughly one-third larger than their youngest counterparts.
  • These trends seem likely to persist: in the Kauffman Firm Survey, a longitudinal survey of nearly 5,000 companies that began in 2004, slightly less than two-thirds of firm founders are between the ages of 35 and 54.
  • Additionally, Kauffman research has revealed that the average age of the founders of technology companies in the United States is a surprisingly high 39–with twice as many over age 50 as under age 25.

So what are the implications of these trends? 

First and foremost, we better get our small business policy right to make sure these Entre-Boomers and their children in the Entrepreneurial Generation (the second most entrepreneurial age group) can be successful. 

Entrepreneur magazine has a revealing debate that gets to the heart of what needs to happen policy-wise to ignite entrepreneurial activity in our economy.  It has a debate about the so-called stimulus package between two prominent economists.  I agree with position taken by Raymond Keating, chief economist of the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council in this article:

I’m against it because if you
really want to get entrepreneurship and investment moving again, you
need tax relief that’s not targeted and temporary. Investors and
entrepreneurs need [permanent] changes that will really improve the
profitability of taking risks in the expansion or startup of businesses.

On the spending side, I think most entrepreneurs understand that these
resources the government is tossing around…don’t materialize from
nothing. The economy would benefit from leaving those resources in the
private sector rather than putting dollars in the hands of politicians
and their appointees to decide where they are going to be spent.

Even economists who think this is a good idea will acknowledge that
it’s just an effort to throw as much money as you possibly can at the
problem and hope that something good comes out of it. Is it better than
nothing? Yes. Is it enough to really get our economy moving? I would
say no. It falls way short.

We also need to understand that most of the ventures that Entre-Boomers are creating will be small and organic.  They will be bootstrapped by both choice and necessity.  All of this talk about the need to focus on high growth, venture-backed firms is misguided.  I hope Scott Shane and others like him will look at the entire set of data out there.  But, given his latest comments at the New York Times small business blog, I am not sure if this will ever happen, as seen by these comments:

I am supportive of the argument that government policy should encourage
the formation and development of venture-capital-backed start-ups. In
various books, articles and blog posts, I have said that the federal
government should focus more resources and attention on high-potential
start-ups and less on the typical new business. Such an approach would,
as the venture capital association argues, provide a greater return in
terms of job and wealth creation to government investment in the
creation of more typical new companies.

His myopic brand of socialized entrepreneurship is not enough to get things going.  These folks need to stop the false debate of small business versus venture-backed firms.  We need both right now!  The data shows that we need the high growth firms for their breakthroughs and we need small businesses for their job creation power.  And neither type of  business gets any long-term benefit from government meddling. 

Finally, we need to find a way to socially and culturally harness the entrepreneurial energy of the Entre-Boomers.  The economy does not operate in some sort of vaccum where only the exchange of goods and services takes place.  The economy is shaped by culture, and culture shapes the economy.  The current dramatic rush toward socialism is reinforcing a passive, dependent society.  My students and I saw first hand during our trip to Eastern Europe where this will take us. 

The sheer numbers and assertive nature of the Boomers shaped our culture in the 1960s and 1970s.  It is now time for them to help lead us again.  Their growing emphasis on economic self-reliance can translate into a renewed celebration of the power of free enterprise in our society and culture.  At least I hope it can — as that may be our only chance to turn this mess around. 

Using Referrals for Word of Mouth

As I tell my students time and time again — Word of mouth never just happens.  Although it is a great way to bootstrap your marketing efforts, it does take, well, some effort.

The folks at passed along to me some good tips on how to effectively use referrals to help increase word of mouth.

Four Myths about Word of Mouth through Referrals

1.  Great customer service alone will make your clients refer people to you. Unfortunately, most people expect great customer service these days (and you always provide great service) so they are not necessarily inclined to mention good service to others.  In actuality, people are more likely to mention bad service to their friends than any good service they’ve had.

2.  People who are close to you are great people to refer business to you.  You would assume that this would be the case, and it certainly can be, but you must always educate those close to you on how to look for referral opportunities so that they refer the type of customers you want.

3.  You should always ask for the referral at the end of a transaction with your client.  You should constantly be asking for referrals!  There is no set time to ask for a referral.  You should ask any time the opportunity presents itself.

4.  Looking for referrals in an indirect manner reduces stress and is normally the best way to get referrals. Though this may work every once in a while, typically, if you don’t ask for it, you won’t get.

Steps to use Referrals as part of Word of Mouth plan

1.  Ask!  Don’t be afraid to be direct about asking for referrals.  Also, ask regularly to maximize the amount of referrals you can generate.  A great technique is to view every client you work with as though your sole purpose is to get a referral.  This will not only keep you cognizant about getting them, but it will make you more service-oriented as well.

2.  Create a referral program — Offer service credits as an incentive to your clients who send you new business.  It can be as a discount on their next service or a credit to their account, or any other trigger that will help entice people to refer new customers to you.

3.  Spread the word by sending a description of your referral program to all of your satisfied clients.  It also doesn’t hurt to send it to all past clients; it’s not only a great way to get referrals, but you can also rekindle old relationships!

4.  A few other dos and don’ts:

  • Don’t ask for a referral when presenting a bill.
  • When asking for a referral, also ask for a testimonial from the client.  It’s great for websites!
  • Ask people who perform complementary services to you for referrals.  (i.e. If you are a contractor, why not ask an electrician or plumber who may be on the same site?)
  • Have some type of printed marketing material handy to provide clients with that describes everything you do– and give them a few copies to spread around

“You’re the Boss”

Loren Feldman has helped to launch a new small business and entrepreneurship blog at the New York Times called You’re the Boss.

Although the Times may not be the first source you think about for entrepreneurship articles, and New York may not be what you think of as a small business town, give this blog a look.  It has the potential of becoming quite a good blog!